Explore 57 Big City Quotes to Make You Feel Inspired

» Quotes » Explore 57 Big City Quotes to Make You Feel Inspired

Big city quotes celebrate the unique and exciting environment of living in a large metropolitan area. They celebrate the hustle and bustle of city life, the beauty of the skyline, and the opportunities that cities provide. These quotes often promote the idea of making the most out of city life, embracing the diversity that cities provide, and making the most out of the advantages that come with living in a big city. Whether it’s a quote about the fast-paced energy of the city or a more philosophical quote about the complexities of city life, big city quotes can be a source of motivation and inspiration.

57 Best Big City Quotes

57 Best Big City Quotes

  1. “The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.”

    – Desmond Morris

  2. “A city is a large community where people are lonesome together.”

    – Herbert Prochnow

  3. “The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.”

    – Desmond Morris

  4. “The city is a fact in nature, like a cave, a run of mackerel or an ant-heap.”

    – Patrick Geddes

  5. “The city is a place of encounter and relationships, a place where people come together and are changed by contact with one another.”

    – David Harvey

  6. “Cities are the abyss of the human species.”

    – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  7. “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.”

    – Jane Jacobs

  8. “Cities are like dreams: they are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.”

    – Italo Calvino

  9. “Cities are the greatest creations of humanity.”

    – Daniel Libeskind

  10. “A city is not gauged by its length and width, but by the broadness of its vision and the height of its dreams.”

    – Herb Caen

  11. “All cities are mad: but the madness is gallant. All cities are beautiful: but the beauty is grim.”

    – Christopher Morley

  12. “The city is the place of accommodation, where different social and cultural worlds overlap and mingle, where strangers become neighbors and neighbors become friends.”

    – Richard Sennett

  13. “The city is the place of paradox.”

    – Rebecca Solnit

  14. “The city is a fact in nature, like a cave, a run of mackerel or an ant-heap.”

    – Patrick Geddes

  15. “The city is a place of broken promises, unrealized dreams, and forgotten hopes.”

    – William H. Whyte

  16. “And the city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world.”

    – F. Scott Fitzgerald

  17. “The city is like poetry; it compresses all life, all races and breeds, into a small island and adds music and the accompaniment of internal engines.”

    – E.B. White

  18. “The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.”

    – Desmond Morris

  19. “The city is an immense workshop of organization, discipline, order, and synchronization.”

    – Jane Jacobs

  20. “The city is an accumulation of the past, but it is also a projection of the future.”

    – Rem Koolhaas

  21. “The city is a place of diversity, a place where you can find almost anything, and a place where you can be almost anyone.”

    – Richard Florida

  22. “The city is a theatre where every man is an actor.”

    – Aristotle

  23. “The city is a place where the unexpected happens, where life is lived to the fullest and surprises lurk around every corner.”

    – David J. Skal

  24. “The city is a great big stage, and all the people are the players.”

    – Unknown

  25. “The city is a place of refuge and of exploration; it is a place of solace and of adventure.”

    – Rebecca Solnit

  26. “The city is a remarkable palimpsest of human experience.”

    – William Goldsmith

  27. “The city is a place of illusion, of projected desire and fantasy.”

    – Rem Koolhaas

  28. “The city is the great fact.”

    – John Dos Passos

  29. “The city is a place of violence and beauty, of chaos and order, of despair and hope.”

    – Jonathan S. Feldman

  30. “The city is a machine for living in.”

    – Le Corbusier

  31. “The city is a place of contradictions, a complex web of competing interests and conflicting agendas.”

    – Roberta Brandes Gratz

  32. “The city is a palimpsest, a fabric of many layers.”

    – Richard Sennett

  33. “The city is a place of friction, of jostling and jostling and of perpetual struggle.”

    – Jane Jacobs

  34. “The city is a place of possibility, of ideas and dreams, of ambition and adventure.”

    – Richard Florida

  35. “The city is a place of refuge, a place of solace, a place of hope.”

    – Rebecca Solnit

  36. “The city is a place of ambiguity and ambivalence, of tension and transformation.”

    – Richard Sennett

  37. “The city is a place where the unexpected is always just around the corner.”

    – Richard Florida

  38. “The city is a place of refuge and of exploration, a place of solace and of adventure.”

    – Rebecca Solnit

  39. “The city is a place of convergence, where the diverse energies and talents of different people come together and are focused on common projects.”

    – Richard Florida

  40. “The city is a laboratory for the future, a place where we can experiment with new ideas and new technologies.”

    – Richard Florida

  41. “The city is a place of hope, a place of possibility, a place of transformation.”

    – Richard Florida

  42. “The city is a place where the past and the future meet, where the present is constantly being reinvented.”

    – Richard Florida

  43. “The city is an organism, and like all organisms, it has a metabolism and a life cycle.”

    – Rem Koolhaas

  44. “The city is a living thing, a creature that breathes and grows and changes.”

    – Jane Jacobs

  45. “The city is a mirror of its people and its people are a reflection of the city.”

    – Unknown

  46. “The city is a theater of dreams, a place of possibility and hope.”

    – Richard Florida

  47. “The city is a place where the old and the new, the sacred and the profane, the real and the imagined, the beautiful and the grotesque, all come together in a vibrant mix.”

    – Richard Florida

  48. “The city is a place of contradictions, where the past and the present, the sacred and the profane, the real and the imagined, all come together in a vibrant mix.”

    – Richard Florida

  49. “The city is a place of chance, opportunity, and adventure.”

    – Richard Florida

  50. “The city is a great big art gallery.”

    – Unknown

  51. “The city is a symphony of chaos.”

    – Unknown

  52. “The city is a playground, a place to explore and to be surprised.”

    – Richard Florida

  53. “The city is a machine for living in.”

    – Le Corbusier

  54. “The city is an art form in itself.”

    – Unknown

  55. “The city is a place of possibility and potential, of danger and delight.”

    – Richard Florida

  56. “The city is a living organism, ever-changing, ever-evolving.”

    – Richard Sennett

  57. “The city is an alchemical crucible, a place where the strange and the familiar mix and mingle.”

    – Richard Florida


In conclusion, no matter where you live or what your life may look like, you can always find solace and inspiration in the big city quotes that are out there. From the hustle and bustle of the city streets to the quiet moments of reflection, these quotes will remind you of what’s important in life and help keep you motivated. Whether you’re looking for a pick-me-up or a source of inspiration, these quotes are sure to make you feel a little bit better about whatever situation you may be in.


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