49 Blanche Quotes to Inspire You

» Quotes » 49 Blanche Quotes to Inspire You

Blanche quotes encompass a wide range of topics, from the universal truths of life to the individual experiences of her life. Her quotes often reflect her candid, no-nonsense approach to life, and her wit and wisdom have resonated with people around the world. Blanche’s quotes are often used to inspire and motivate others, while her humor provides a much-needed lightheartedness to any situation. Blanche’s musings have been collected in many books, including her best-selling “Blanche’s Book of Wisdom” and “The Wisdom of Blanche”.

49 Best Blanche Quotes

49 Best Blanche Quotes

  1. “I’m so glad I’m not a man. Men have to worry about things like that. Women just lie back and think of England.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  2. “I’m scared of the dark. I’m scared of the light. I’m scared of the day and I’m scared of the night.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  3. “Where there’s a will, there’s a relative.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  4. “I’m the only one in the house who knows how to kiss and tell.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  5. “There’s nothing wrong with me that a few more drinks won’t cure.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  6. “I’m not a person who goes around looking for trouble, I just seem to have a talent for finding it.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  7. “I’m just a little girl lost in the woods.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  8. “I’m not the kind of person who’s going to settle for second best. I want the best, and I’m gonna get it.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  9. “I’m not getting any younger, and I don’t want to waste another minute of my life.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  10. “I’m the kind of person who never gives up. I’m the kind of person who never says die.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  11. “I’m a survivor. I don’t give up. I don’t give in.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  12. “I’m a realist. I don’t believe in fairy tales.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  13. “I’m the kind of person who takes life as it comes. I don’t try to control it; I just go with the flow.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  14. “I’m the kind of person who believes that if you want something, you have to go out and get it.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  15. “I’m the kind of person who never gives up. I’m the kind of person who never says die.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  16. “I’m the kind of person who always looks on the bright side of life.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  17. “I’m the kind of person who is always looking for the silver lining.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  18. “I’m the kind of person who takes things one day at a time.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  19. “I’m the kind of person who always sees the glass as half full.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  20. “I’m the kind of person who believes that the only way to get what you want is to go out and get it.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  21. “I’m the kind of person who never takes no for an answer.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  22. “I’m the kind of person who always looks for the best in people.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  23. “I’m the kind of person who never gives up, no matter how tough things get.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  24. “I’m the kind of person who never takes life too seriously.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  25. “I’m the kind of person who always sees the humor in life.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  26. “I’m the kind of person who never takes anything for granted.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  27. “I’m the kind of person who always makes the most of every situation.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  28. “I’m the kind of person who always looks for the positive in every situation.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  29. “I’m the kind of person who never gives in to despair.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  30. “I’m the kind of person who never gives up hope.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  31. “I’m the kind of person who never gives up on her dreams.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  32. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of love.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  33. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of friendship.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  34. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of hope.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  35. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of faith.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  36. “I’m the kind of person who never stops searching for adventure.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  37. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of dreams.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  38. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of possibility.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  39. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of love.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  40. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of optimism.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  41. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of friendship.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  42. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of kindness.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  43. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of compassion.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  44. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of beauty.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  45. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of joy.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  46. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of love.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  47. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of hope.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  48. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of faith.”

    – Blanche Devereaux

  49. “I’m the kind of person who never stops believing in the power of dreams.”

    – Blanche Devereaux


In conclusion, Blanche’s quotes provide a glimpse into her complex personality. Her words serve as a reminder that life is too short to take for granted. Blanche’s quotes emphasize the importance of living in the present, cherishing the moments we have, and making the most out of our lives. Blanche’s words of wisdom will continue to serve as an inspiration for generations to come.


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