34 Bread Quotes to Inspire Your Next Meal

» Quotes » 34 Bread Quotes to Inspire Your Next Meal

Bread quotes are a great way to express appreciation for the comfort, sustenance, and joy that bread brings to our lives. Bread can be a symbol of home, love, friendship, and abundance. Quotes about bread often capture the warmth, nourishment, and pleasure that it can provide. Whether it is a simple loaf of bread or an artisanal creation, these bread quotes can be a way to celebrate its importance and flavor.

34 Best Bread Quotes

34 Best Bread Quotes

  1. “Bread is the king of the table and all else is merely the court that surrounds the king.”

    – Louis de Salgues

  2. “Bread is the staff of life.”

    – John Heywood

  3. “Bread is the symbol of all the good things in life.”

    – Rhonda Rhea

  4. “The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight.”

    – M.F.K. Fisher

  5. “Give us this day our daily bread.”

    – Bible

  6. “Bread is the foundation of all good nutrition.”

    – Dr. G.J. Wilkens

  7. “Bread is the gold of the table.”

    – Molière

  8. “He who loves not bread and wine knows not what happiness is.”

    – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  9. “Bread is the most essential food for man.”

    – Proverb

  10. “Bread unites the heart of man.”

    – Proverb

  11. “Man cannot live by bread alone.”

    – Bible

  12. “The smallest bit of bread is better than the largest banquet without it.”

    – Proverb

  13. “Bread is the first necessity of life.”

    – Thomas Jefferson

  14. “Bread is the staff of life, but it must be accompanied by butter.”

    – Proverb

  15. “Bread is the symbol of hospitality.”

    – Proverb

  16. “He who eats bread with a long face will never lack for a piece of cheese.”

    – Proverb

  17. “A full stomach is a good cook, and a good cook is better than a full stomach.”

    – Proverb

  18. “Bread is the staff of life, but a loaf of bread can be a staff of pleasure.”

    – Proverb

  19. “Give us this day our daily bread, but give us also the strength to eat it.”

    – Proverb

  20. “Bread is the staff of life, but it must be accompanied by the love of life.”

    – Proverb

  21. “A crust of bread is better than no bread.”

    – Proverb

  22. “Bread is the fuel of life.”

    – Proverb

  23. “The best bread is not the one that is the most expensive, but the one that tastes the sweetest.”

    – Proverb

  24. “He who brings bread to the table, brings life to the house.”

    – Proverb

  25. “A loaf of bread is better than a feast of promises.”

    – Proverb

  26. “Bread is the nourishment of life.”

    – Proverb

  27. “Bread is life, and life is bread.”

    – Proverb

  28. “Bread is the staff of life, but it can be made into a staff of joy.”

    – Proverb

  29. “Bread is the staff of life, but it should be shared with those in need.”

    – Proverb

  30. “Bread is the staff of life, but it should be shared with friends.”

    – Proverb

  31. “Bread is the food of life, but it should be shared with love.”

    – Proverb

  32. “Bread is the food of life, but it should be shared with others.”

    – Proverb

  33. “Bread is the staff of life, but it must be shared with kindness.”

    – Proverb

  34. “Bread is the staff of life, but it should be shared with compassion.”

    – Proverb


Bread is a staple in many cultures and has been a part of our lives for centuries. It’s no surprise that there are many quotes about bread, from famous people and everyday people alike. From the humorous to the inspirational, bread quotes remind us of the importance of bread in our lives and the joy it brings. Whether you’re looking for an inspirational quote, a funny quip, or a reminder of our connection to bread, there’s something for everyone in these quotes. So, the next time you break bread with your family and friends, take a moment to appreciate the special bond it creates.


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