31 Inspiring Citizenship Quotes to Uplift Your Patriotism

» Quotes » 31 Inspiring Citizenship Quotes to Uplift Your Patriotism

Citizenship quotes are inspirational sayings that encourage people to take responsibility for their actions, be a positive member of society, and help others in need. These quotes often encourage people to think about their role in the world and how they can make a difference. They remind people that being a citizen of a country means more than just having rights; it also means having responsibilities. Citizenship quotes can help to remind people of their civic duty and motivate them to take action.

31 Best Citizenship Quotes

31 Best Citizenship Quotes

  1. “Citizenship is a tough occupation which obliges the citizen to make his own informed opinion and stand by it.”

    – Martha Gellhorn

  2. “Citizenship is not about rights but about responsibilities.”

    – Gordon Brown

  3. “Citizenship is not a license to do as one pleases, but a duty to serve the common good.”

    – John F. Kennedy

  4. “Citizenship is more than a legal status; it is an obligation to participate in building a better society.”

    – Aung San Suu Kyi

  5. “Citizenship means standing up for the lives that we lead.”

    – Lady Gaga

  6. “Citizenship is the foundation of our democracy.”

    – Hillary Clinton

  7. “Citizenship is the price of freedom.”

    – William Faulkner

  8. “Citizenship is the most precious possession of an individual in any country.”

    – Jawaharlal Nehru

  9. “Citizenship is a privilege, not a right.”

    – Barack Obama

  10. “Citizenship is the right to have rights.”

    – Eleanor Roosevelt

  11. “Citizenship is the right to share in freedom and responsibility.”

    – Kofi Annan

  12. “Citizenship is not an accident of birth but an affirmation of shared values.”

    – Amartya Sen

  13. “Citizenship is not a matter of geography or heritage, but of values and commitment.”

    – Madeleine Albright

  14. “Citizenship is the right to share in the responsibilities and rewards of living in a society.”

    – John Kenneth Galbraith

  15. “Citizenship is an act of faith in the future.”

    – John F. Kennedy

  16. “Citizenship is the right to have rights, and to have a voice in the direction of one’s country.”

    – Henry Cabot Lodge

  17. “Citizenship is the right to be a part of a nation, to contribute to its development, and to share in its progress.”

    – Narendra Modi

  18. “Citizenship is a bond of mutual responsibility and mutual respect.”

    – Tony Blair

  19. “Citizenship is the practice of democracy.”

    – Lee H. Hamilton

  20. “Citizenship is the key to our democracy and to our success as a nation.”

    – Joe Biden

  21. “Citizenship is a covenant between individuals, a contract among citizens to uphold the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.”

    – George W. Bush

  22. “Citizenship is not a spectator sport.”

    – Steven Cook

  23. “Citizenship is the foundation of the rule of law.”

    – John Paul Stevens

  24. “Citizenship is a bond between individuals and a nation.”

    – Ronald Reagan

  25. “Citizenship is a tribute to the individual and his/her commitment to the common good.”

    – Bill Clinton

  26. “Citizenship is the right to have a voice in the decisions that affect us all.”

    – Bill Richardson

  27. “Citizenship is not about the rights of the individual; it is about the responsibilities of us all.”

    – George Washington

  28. “Citizenship is not a status, but an attitude of mind and heart.”

    – Theodore Roosevelt

  29. “Citizenship is not just a legal status; it is a way of life.”

    – Nelson Mandela

  30. “Citizenship is not a matter of race or ancestry; it is a matter of the heart and mind.”

    – Harry S. Truman

  31. “Citizenship is a sacred trust and responsibility.”

    – George H.W. Bush


Citizenship is an important part of what it means to be a member of society. Quotes about citizenship can provide a great source of motivation and inspiration for those who are striving to become better citizens. They can remind us of the importance of civic responsibility, the power of collaboration, and the value of service. Whether in our communities or on a global scale, we all have a duty to help make our world a better place. By understanding and embracing our responsibilities as citizens, we can help create a brighter future for all.


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