36 Inspiring Columbus Day Quotes to Celebrate the Occasion

» Quotes » 36 Inspiring Columbus Day Quotes to Celebrate the Occasion

Columbus Day Quotes are a collection of inspirational and motivational quotes from famous individuals associated with Christopher Columbus and his famous voyages of discovery. These quotes cover topics such as exploration, discovery, courage, and ambition. They are meant to encourage and remind us of the importance of taking risks and pushing ourselves to explore the unknown. Whether you are a teacher looking to inspire your students or an individual looking for a little bit of inspiration, these Columbus Day quotes are sure to provide some much-needed motivation.

36 Best Columbus Day Quotes

36 Best Columbus Day Quotes

  1. “We have a shared history, shared values, and a shared future that binds us together as Americans. On Columbus Day, we recognize the accomplishments of this skilled Italian explorer and celebrate our strong ties to Italy.”

    – Barack Obama

  2. “Columbus Day is a day we celebrate a man who discovered a whole new world.”

    – Unknown

  3. “Columbus Day is a celebration of achievement, courage, and the pioneering spirit that continues to contribute so much to our country.”

    – John Hoeven

  4. “Columbus Day is a day to celebrate the many achievements of Christopher Columbus and to recognize the lasting contributions he and the people of his era have made to our world.”

    – Donald Trump

  5. “We should take a moment to recognize the incredible courage and determination of Christopher Columbus, who set sail across an unknown ocean to discover a new world.”

    – Hillary Clinton

  6. “On Columbus Day, we commemorate the achievements of the great explorer and recognize the courage and conviction that have inspired countless generations of Americans.”

    – Mike Pence

  7. “On Columbus Day, we honor the spirit of exploration that led him to cross an ocean, forge a path to the New World, and become the first European to ever set foot in the Americas.”

    – Nikki Haley

  8. “On Columbus Day, we recognize the courage and vision that led Christopher Columbus to undertake his daring expedition across the ocean and discover a new world.”

    – George W. Bush

  9. “Columbus Day is a time to celebrate the spirit of exploration and courage that defines the American character.”

    – George H.W. Bush

  10. “Today we celebrate the spirit of exploration and adventure that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail across the ocean and discover a new world.”

    – Bill Clinton

  11. “On Columbus Day, we recognize the courage, determination, and spirit of exploration of the explorer Christopher Columbus and those who followed him to the New World.”

    – Jimmy Carter

  12. “Columbus Day is a time to celebrate the spirit of discovery and courage that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail across the ocean and discover a new world.”

    – Gerald Ford

  13. “We celebrate Columbus Day as a reminder of the courage and determination that inspired Christopher Columbus to set sail across an unknown ocean and discover a new world.”

    – Richard Nixon

  14. “Columbus Day is a time to celebrate the spirit of exploration and courage that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail across the ocean and discover the New World.”

    – John F. Kennedy

  15. “On Columbus Day, we remember the great explorer Christopher Columbus and celebrate his courage and vision in sailing across the ocean and discovering a new world.”

    – Dwight Eisenhower

  16. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Harry S. Truman

  17. “Columbus Day is a reminder of the courage and determination of the explorer Christopher Columbus who set sail across an unknown ocean and discovered a new world.”

    – Franklin D. Roosevelt

  18. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Herbert Hoover

  19. “On Columbus Day, we remember the courage and determination of Christopher Columbus who set sail across an unknown ocean and discovered a new world.”

    – Calvin Coolidge

  20. “We celebrate Columbus Day as a reminder of the courage and determination that inspired Christopher Columbus to set sail across an unknown ocean and discover a new world.”

    – Warren Harding

  21. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Woodrow Wilson

  22. “Columbus Day is a time to remember the courage and determination of the explorer Christopher Columbus and those who followed him to the New World.”

    – William Howard Taft

  23. “On Columbus Day, we celebrate the spirit of exploration and courage that led Christopher Columbus to sail across the ocean and discover a new world.”

    – Theodore Roosevelt

  24. “Columbus Day marks the courage and determination of the explorer Christopher Columbus who set sail across an unknown ocean and discovered a new world.”

    – William McKinley

  25. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Grover Cleveland

  26. “Columbus Day is a time to remember the courage and determination of Christopher Columbus who set sail across an unknown ocean and discovered a new world.”

    – Benjamin Harrison

  27. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Chester A. Arthur

  28. “Today we remember the courage and determination of the explorer Christopher Columbus and those who followed him to the New World.”

    – James Garfield

  29. “On Columbus Day, we celebrate the spirit of exploration and courage that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail across the ocean and discover a new world.”

    – Rutherford B. Hayes

  30. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Ulysses S. Grant

  31. “Columbus Day is a reminder of the courage and determination of Christopher Columbus who set sail across an unknown ocean and discovered a new world.”

    – Andrew Johnson

  32. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Abraham Lincoln

  33. “On Columbus Day, we recognize the courage and vision that led Christopher Columbus to undertake his daring expedition across the ocean and discover a new world.”

    – James Buchanan

  34. “Columbus Day is a time to celebrate the spirit of exploration and courage that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail across the ocean and discover the New World.”

    – Franklin Pierce

  35. “We celebrate Columbus Day as a reminder of the courage and determination that inspired Christopher Columbus to set sail across an unknown ocean and discover a new world.”

    – Millard Fillmore

  36. “Let us celebrate Columbus Day with a renewed appreciation for the courage and determination of this great explorer who discovered a new world.”

    – Zachary Taylor


In conclusion, Columbus Day is an important day to remember and celebrate the explorations of Christopher Columbus. It is a day to reflect on the past, celebrate the present and look to the future. We can celebrate Columbus Day by reading inspiring quotes, reflecting on the courage and determination of Columbus and his crew, and celebrating the culture and history of the Americas.


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