49 Gintoki Quotes to Inspire You

» Quotes » 49 Gintoki Quotes to Inspire You

Gintoki Sakata is a popular character from the manga and anime series Gintama. He is a former samurai who works as an odd jobs freelancer in order to make ends meet. He is known for his wacky sense of humor and has been quoted as saying some of the funniest and wittiest lines in the series. His quotes are often used as a source of inspiration and motivation to many. Gintoki’s quotes are often funny, thought-provoking, and empowering. He has a way of saying things that make them stick in people’s minds.

49 Best Gintoki Quotes

49 Best Gintoki Quotes

  1. “Being a samurai is not just a job. It’s a way of life.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  2. “You can’t limit yourself only to what you can do. That’s why you gotta keep pushing forward.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  3. “If you don’t stand up for yourself, no one else will either.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  4. “No matter how hard times get, don’t forget to smile.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  5. “No matter how strong the wind, a paper airplane will still fly.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  6. “No matter how hard it gets, never give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  7. “If you don’t try, you’ll never know the result.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  8. “No matter how small your power may be, use it to the fullest.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  9. “No matter how much someone may have hurt you, never forget the good times.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  10. “The strongest thing in the world is friendship.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  11. “No matter how weak you are, don’t forget to smile.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  12. “No matter how many times you fall, just get back up again.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  13. “No matter how hard it is, never give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  14. “It’s not about who is right or wrong, it’s about who is able to stay standing in the end.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  15. “If you want to change the future, you have to start from the present.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  16. “No matter how much you may want to change the world, you can’t do it alone.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  17. “If you want to make a difference, you have to start with yourself.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  18. “Don’t ever forget the person you were when you started.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  19. “The only way to change the future is to take action today.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  20. “No matter how small, every action can make a difference.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  21. “In the end, it’s not the size of your strength that matters, it’s how you use it.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  22. “No matter how many times you make a mistake, just keep trying.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  23. “If you want to make a difference, start with yourself.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  24. “No matter how hard it may seem, don’t give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  25. “No matter how powerless you may feel, don’t forget to smile.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  26. “No matter how dark the night may be, the sun will always rise in the morning.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  27. “A samurai’s spirit never dies, no matter how far he has fallen.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  28. “No matter how tough things get, don’t forget to smile.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  29. “No matter how weak you may be, never give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  30. “No matter how much you may fail, never give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  31. “No matter how small, you can still make a difference.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  32. “If you want something, you have to strive for it.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  33. “No matter how long it takes, never give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  34. “No matter how hard the journey may be, never forget why you started.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  35. “No matter how bad things get, never forget to smile.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  36. “No matter how dark the night may be, the sun will rise again.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  37. “No matter how small your power may be, use it to its fullest.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  38. “No matter how difficult the situation may be, never give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  39. “No matter how small your contribution may be, it can still make a difference.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  40. “No matter how much you may have been hurt, never forget the good times.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  41. “No matter how dark it may seem, the light of hope will always shine through.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  42. “No matter how many times you fall, just get back up again.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  43. “No matter how hard it may be, never give up.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  44. “No matter how much you may want to change the world, you can’t do it alone.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  45. “No matter how dark it may seem, never lose sight of the light.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  46. “No matter how far you may have fallen, never forget who you are.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  47. “No matter how hard it may get, always remember why you started.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  48. “No matter how small it may be, every action can make a difference.”

    – Gintoki Sakata

  49. “No matter how hard it may be, don’t give up on your dreams.”

    – Gintoki Sakata


Gintoki Sakata’s quotes are full of wit and wisdom, and have provided us with many moments of insight and laughter. His words have helped us to see the humour in everyday life, and to remember that life is short and should be enjoyed. Whether you are a fan of Gintama or not, there is no denying the power of Gintoki’s words. His words remind us to live life to the fullest, to make the most of our experiences, and to not take ourselves too seriously. We can all learn something from Gintoki’s words, and hopefully his quotes will continue to inspire us for years to come.


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