53 Inspirational Hirohito Quotes

» Quotes » 53 Inspirational Hirohito Quotes

Hirohito (1901-1989) was the 124th Emperor of Japan and the longest reigning monarch in Japanese history. He was a symbol of Japanese culture and is remembered for his quotes that emphasize the importance of peace, respect, and unity. His quotes reflect his commitment to a more peaceful world and his wish for his people to live in harmony. His quotes have been a source of inspiration and comfort to many people, as they stress the importance of dialogue and cooperation as a way to resolve conflicts. They also emphasize the value of learning from history, in order to avoid future mistakes.

53 Best Hirohito Quotes

53 Best Hirohito Quotes

  1. “We, the Emperor, manifest our resolve to achieve the aims of the Greater East Asia War and decisively crush the enemy forces.”

    – Hirohito

  2. “The Japanese people, expressing their deep sense of remorse, beg for the mercy of the peoples of all the nations of the world.”

    – Hirohito

  3. “We, by the grace of heaven, Emperor of Japan, seated on the throne occupied by the same dynasty from time immemorial, do hereby proclaim to all our loyal subjects:”

    – Hirohito

  4. “We have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is unsufferable.”

    – Hirohito

  5. “We have ordered our government to proceed with the negotiations for peace.”

    – Hirohito

  6. “The thought of being responsible for the prolongation of the war was unbearable in our heart.”

    – Hirohito

  7. “The hardships and sufferings imposed upon our nation by the war are the gravest for which we must bear the sole responsibility.”

    – Hirohito

  8. “The welfare of a nation is inseparably bound up with the welfare of its individual citizens.”

    – Hirohito

  9. “Let us be resolute in our determination to live and work together in harmony and loyalty, thus proving ourselves worthy of our glorious tradition.”

    – Hirohito

  10. “We are firmly resolved to strive for the sake of peace and prosperity in the world.”

    – Hirohito

  11. “Let us all show our determination that our country shall remain a member of the family of nations, faithful to our obligations and ever mindful of our duty.”

    – Hirohito

  12. “We must strive to make our country an example of justice and honor in international relations.”

    – Hirohito

  13. “Let us foster the spirit of self-sacrifice and reverence in our national life.”

    – Hirohito

  14. “It is our earnest desire that our subjects shall ever be united in loyalty to the Throne, and that they shall harmoniously develop their respective abilities for the common good.”

    – Hirohito

  15. “We hope that our subjects shall ever aspire to the high ideals of loyalty and patriotism and that each one of them shall strive to be a model citizen.”

    – Hirohito

  16. “We earnestly hope that our people shall ever be imbued with the spirit of international justice and that it shall ever be their aim to promote the welfare of all nations.”

    – Hirohito

  17. “Let us strive to build a rich and abundant nation, so that our people may enjoy in abundance the fruits of their labor.”

    – Hirohito

  18. “Let us work hard to promote the national policy of peace and amity with all nations and to foster a spirit of universal brotherhood among all mankind.”

    – Hirohito

  19. “We must guard against any tendency to become unduly satisfied with our own progress and must constantly strive to make our nation ever stronger and better.”

    – Hirohito

  20. “It is our earnest desire that there may be established between all the nations of the world and our country such relations of neighborliness and friendship as will contribute to the maintenance of international peace and prosperity.”

    – Hirohito

  21. “Let us strive to develop and maintain warm and friendly relations with all countries, while at the same time being vigilant to guard ourselves against any infringement of our national rights.”

    – Hirohito

  22. “We firmly believe that peace and prosperity in the world can be attained only when the nations cooperate with one another in a spirit of mutual trust and goodwill.”

    – Hirohito

  23. “Let us strive to promote the welfare of our people and the prosperity of our country, and to make our nation ever more glorious and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  24. “Let us strive to maintain honorable relations with all nations, remembering always that we are the heirs to a glorious tradition of loyalty and patriotism.”

    – Hirohito

  25. “It is our earnest desire that our people shall ever be imbued with the spirit of loyalty and patriotism and that they shall strive to promote the welfare of our nation.”

    – Hirohito

  26. “Let us strive to make our country strong and prosperous, and to ensure that our people may enjoy in abundance the fruits of their labor.”

    – Hirohito

  27. “Let us strive to improve our national life and to bring prosperity to our people.”

    – Hirohito

  28. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of loyalty and patriotism and to make our nation ever more glorious and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  29. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of international justice and to make our nation ever more prosperous and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  30. “We must strive to make our nation an example of justice and honor in international relations.”

    – Hirohito

  31. “Let us strive to make our nation strong and prosperous and to ensure that our people may enjoy in abundance the fruits of their labor.”

    – Hirohito

  32. “Let us strive to make our nation strong and prosperous, and to ensure that our people may enjoy in abundance the blessings of peace.”

    – Hirohito

  33. “Let us strive to maintain honorable relations with all nations, remembering always that we are the heirs to a glorious tradition of loyalty and patriotism.”

    – Hirohito

  34. “Let us strive to foster the spirit of self-sacrifice and reverence in our national life.”

    – Hirohito

  35. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of international justice and to make our nation ever more prosperous and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  36. “Let us strive to make our country an example of justice and honor in international relations.”

    – Hirohito

  37. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of loyalty and patriotism and to make our nation ever more glorious and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  38. “We must strive to make our nation an example of justice and honor in international relations.”

    – Hirohito

  39. “Let us strive to make our nation strong and prosperous and to ensure that our people may enjoy in abundance the fruits of their labor.”

    – Hirohito

  40. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of loyalty and patriotism and to make our nation ever more glorious and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  41. “Let us foster the spirit of self-sacrifice and reverence in our national life.”

    – Hirohito

  42. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of international justice and to make our nation ever more prosperous and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  43. “Let us strive to make our country an example of justice and honor in international relations.”

    – Hirohito

  44. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of loyalty and patriotism and to make our nation ever more glorious and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  45. “Let us strive to make our nation strong and prosperous and to ensure that our people may enjoy in abundance the blessings of peace.”

    – Hirohito

  46. “Let us strive to maintain honorable relations with all nations, remembering always that we are the heirs to a glorious tradition of loyalty and patriotism.”

    – Hirohito

  47. “Let us strive to foster the spirit of self-sacrifice and reverence in our national life.”

    – Hirohito

  48. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of international justice and to make our nation ever more prosperous and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  49. “Let us strive to make our country an example of justice and honor in international relations.”

    – Hirohito

  50. “Let us strive to make our nation strong and prosperous and to ensure that our people may enjoy in abundance the fruits of their labor.”

    – Hirohito

  51. “Let us strive to promote the spirit of loyalty and patriotism and to make our nation ever more glorious and strong.”

    – Hirohito

  52. “Let us strive to make our nation strong and prosperous and to ensure that our people may enjoy in abundance the blessings of peace.”

    – Hirohito

  53. “Let us strive to maintain honorable relations with all nations, remembering always that we are the heirs to a glorious tradition of loyalty and patriotism.”

    – Hirohito


Hirohito was a great leader and his quotes are still relevant today. He was a leader who believed in peace, justice, and prosperity for his people. His quotes remind us of the importance of peace and the need to work together to achieve it. His legacy still lives on and is a reminder to all of us to be responsible and strive for the betterment of mankind.


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