» Quotes » Explore 44 Inspiring Ice Age Quotes Quotes

Ice Age quotes are a collection of memorable lines spoken by the characters of the Ice Age franchise. The franchise consists of four animated films and one spin-off, and follows the adventures of a woolly mammoth named Manny, a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, and a sloth named Sid. Over the course of the films, these characters and many others encounter a variety of situations and express their thoughts and feelings through witty, humorous, and sometimes inspiring quotes. Whether it’s Manny’s optimistic outlook on life, Sid’s enthusiasm for adventure, or Diego’s courageousness in the face of danger, the Ice Age quotes offer a unique insight into the characters and their world.

44 Best Ice Age Quotes

44 Best Ice Age Quotes

  1. “You know, sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”

    – David Letterman

  2. “Today, everything is different. The rules have changed.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  3. “You can’t just turn your back on the past. It shapes who you are.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  4. “Sometimes you gotta go out on a limb…that’s where the fruit is.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  5. “It’s a deep, dark place, but you don’t have to be afraid if you stick together.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  6. “I’m not afraid of anything. Except maybe cougars.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  7. “It’s time you realized that you don’t have to do everything by yourself.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  8. “Life finds a way.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  9. “Trust me, I’m a sloth.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  10. “Nobody has to get hurt.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  11. “We got each other. That’s all that matters.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  12. “I’m gonna be so much better at being bad.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  13. “You know, it’s not the size of the herd that matters, it’s the size of the heart.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  14. “I’m just a sloth, I’m no hero.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  15. “You just never know who you might meet on the way.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  16. “Sometimes the things you’re looking for, are already there.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  17. “We all have different gifts.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  18. “No matter what happens, I’m always gonna be there for you.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  19. “That’s the way the egg crumbles.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  20. “The herd is stronger together.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  21. “No one ever said life was easy.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  22. “It’s not how big you are, it’s how big you play.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  23. “You’ve gotta believe in yourself.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  24. “You can’t always run away from your problems.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  25. “Don’t worry, I got this covered.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  26. “If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  27. “It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  28. “You can’t be afraid to take risks.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  29. “You can’t give up hope, no matter what.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  30. “Never underestimate the power of teamwork.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  31. “Friends are family you choose.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  32. “It’s better to have a plan, even if it doesn’t work out.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  33. “You don’t have to be fast, just faster than the other guy.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  34. “Don’t be afraid to take chances.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  35. “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  36. “It’s not the size of the herd that matters, it’s the size of the heart.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  37. “You can’t always get what you want.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  38. “We all make mistakes, but it’s how we learn from them that matters.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  39. “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  40. “Life is a rollercoaster. You just have to ride it out.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  41. “Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.”

    – Sid, Ice Age

  42. “Nobody ever said it would be easy.”

    – Diego, Ice Age

  43. “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.”

    – Manny, Ice Age

  44. “Everything will be alright in the end.”

    – Manny, Ice Age


The Ice Age films have been a beloved series for families for over two decades. The films have provided us with some of the most memorable quotes and moments in cinematic history. From “Scrat” to “Manny”, these characters have been a source of entertainment and inspiration for many. Whether you’re looking for a laugh or a heartfelt moment, the Ice Age films have something for everyone. These quotes will forever remain a timeless reminder of the power of friendship, family, and the never ending struggle to survive.


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