Explore 46 Inspiring Migration Quotes

» Quotes » Explore 46 Inspiring Migration Quotes

Migration quotes refer to inspiring sayings and proverbs about the importance of migration and the opportunities it brings. They are often used to encourage and motivate people to move in search of a better life and to explore new cultures and experiences. The quotes can range from inspiring and uplifting to humorous and thought-provoking, with the aim of reminding people of the positive aspects of migration.

46 Best Migration Quotes

46 Best Migration Quotes

  1. “No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark.”

    – Warsan Shire

  2. “Migration is not just a security issue; it is an issue of human dignity.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  3. “We know that migration is as old as humanity itself.”

    – Antonio Guterres

  4. “We must ensure that refugees have access to the protection and assistance they need and deserve.”

    – Michelle Bachelet

  5. “Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety, and a better future.”

    – António Guterres

  6. “Migration should not be a crime. It is a human right.”

    – Pope Francis

  7. “We must replace the language of division with the language of solidarity and compassion.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  8. “Migration is a human right and a source of prosperity, innovation, and sustainable development.”

    – António Guterres

  9. “Migration is not a threat; it is a great opportunity.”

    – Naivasha Boni

  10. “No human being is illegal.”

    – Emma Lazarus

  11. “Migration is a sign of hope, not of despair.”

    – Pope Francis

  12. “Migration is a global reality that will not disappear.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  13. “Open borders create prosperity and freedom.”

    – Richard D. Wolff

  14. “Migration is a reflection of the human condition, not a political issue.”

    – Martin Luther King Jr.

  15. “The world needs more compassionate and humane responses to migration.”

    – António Guterres

  16. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

    – Confucius

  17. “Migration is the story of human courage and resilience.”

    – Naivasha Boni

  18. “No border can contain the human spirit.”

    – Gloria Steinem

  19. “We need to break down the walls of fear and misunderstanding that divide us.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  20. “Let us welcome all those who seek refuge and peace.”

    – Pope Francis

  21. “No one should have to cross a desert or an ocean to find a safe place to call home.”

    – Barack Obama

  22. “The movement of people is one of the most powerful forces for progress in the world.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  23. “Migration is a journey of hope.”

    – Pope Francis

  24. “We must create safe and legal pathways for refugees and migrants.”

    – António Guterres

  25. “No one is illegal on stolen land.”

    – Unknown

  26. “Migration is not a crime but an act of courage.”

    – Pope Francis

  27. “Migration is a sign of hope and courage.”

    – Pope Francis

  28. “No one should be criminalized for seeking safety and a better life.”

    – Michelle Bachelet

  29. “We must make migration a safe and orderly process.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  30. “We must protect the human rights of all migrants.”

    – António Guterres

  31. “Migration is not a threat; it is an opportunity.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  32. “Migration is a fundamental part of the human experience.”

    – Barack Obama

  33. “Migration is a human right, not a crime.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  34. “We must ensure the humane and dignified treatment of all migrants.”

    – António Guterres

  35. “We must protect the rights and safety of all migrants.”

    – Michelle Bachelet

  36. “We must recognize the human rights of all migrants.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  37. “We must ensure that the global migration system is fair and just.”

    – António Guterres

  38. “Migration is a powerful force for development and progress.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  39. “Migrants are not criminals; they are human beings in search of a better life.”

    – Pope Francis

  40. “Migration should be a choice, not a necessity.”

    – António Guterres

  41. “The key to successful migration is respect for human rights.”

    – Michelle Bachelet

  42. “We must treat migrants with respect, understanding, and compassion.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  43. “We must ensure safe and dignified treatment of all migrants.”

    – António Guterres

  44. “We must recognize all migrants as human beings with rights.”

    – Ban Ki-moon

  45. “We must ensure that all migrants have access to basic services.”

    – António Guterres

  46. “We must ensure that all migrants are treated with dignity and respect.”

    – Pope Francis


In conclusion, migration quotes can be an effective way to express our feelings about migration. Whether it is an expression of joy, sorrow, or hope, migration quotes can capture the complexity of the emotions associated with this important issue. They can also provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our own experiences and those of others. Migration quotes can remind us of the importance of understanding and respecting the experiences of all those affected by migration. With greater understanding, we can come together to create solutions that are both humane and effective.


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