Explore 44 Quotes from the Video Game ‘Oblivion

» Quotes » Explore 44 Quotes from the Video Game ‘Oblivion

Oblivion quotes are a collection of words and phrases from various sources that provide insight into the human experience. They range from philosophical musings to humorous observations and can be used to motivate, inspire, and encourage. Many of these quotes come from famous authors, thinkers, and leaders, but are just as relevant to everyday life. They can serve as a reminder of our shared humanity, or even a source of comfort in difficult times. Whatever their purpose, oblivion quotes can offer a unique perspective on life.

44 Best Oblivion Quotes

44 Best Oblivion Quotes

  1. “People will tell you truth, not because they’re your friends, but because they fear you.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  2. “Sometimes we must all do things we’d rather not.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  3. “Our destinies are what we make them.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  4. “Within us all, there is a special power.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  5. “It’s not the years, it’s the miles.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  6. “We have a duty to protect our people.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  7. “A leader must serve his people.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  8. “The truth is a hard thing to find.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  9. “The truth can be painful, but it is better than a lie.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  10. “One who follows the truth will never be lost.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  11. “In times of danger, courage is the greatest weapon.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  12. “Greatness is not achieved by power alone.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  13. “No man is an island.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  14. “We must all bear the consequences of our actions.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  15. “The future is not set in stone.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  16. “It is better to act than to react.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  17. “The path of destiny is not always clear.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  18. “Courage is the key to unlocking our potential.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  19. “No matter how dark the path, there is always a way out.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  20. “Sometimes, the only way to gain power is to give it away.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  21. “The only way to know the future is to create it.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  22. “Our choices define us.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  23. “A leader must be willing to lead from the front.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  24. “The only way to make a difference is to take action.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  25. “Every man’s death diminishes us all.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  26. “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  27. “A man’s worth is measured by his actions, not his words.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  28. “It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.”

    – Emperor Uriel Septim VII

  29. “The road to power is paved with the bones of the weak.”

    – Jauffre

  30. “The only thing that matters is getting the job done.”

    – Jauffre

  31. “The past is always with us.”

    – Jauffre

  32. “The future is not predetermined.”

    – Jauffre

  33. “Power comes from knowledge.”

    – Jauffre

  34. “It’s not what you know, but who you know.”

    – Jauffre

  35. “A man’s life is measured by his deeds, not his words.”

    – Jauffre

  36. “It’s not the size of the sword, but the skill of the wielder.”

    – Jauffre

  37. “The choices we make define us.”

    – Jauffre

  38. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

    – Unknown

  39. “The only thing that is constant is change.”

    – Unknown

  40. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

    – Unknown

  41. “You can’t outrun fate.”

    – Unknown

  42. “No man is an island, entire of itself.”

    – Unknown

  43. “What is done cannot be undone.”

    – Unknown

  44. “Every ending is a new beginning.”

    – Unknown


Oblivion quotes can provide us with a great source of inspiration and motivation when we are feeling down. They can remind us of the importance of living life to the fullest and not taking anything for granted. They can also provide us with a much-needed dose of perspective and hope when life gets tough. No matter what our current situation may be, these quotes can help to remind us that life can be beautiful and that it is worth living.


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