35 Inspiring Olivia Pope Quotes That Will Help You Conquer Life

» Quotes » 35 Inspiring Olivia Pope Quotes That Will Help You Conquer Life

Olivia Pope is a fictional character from the hit television series Scandal. She is a former White House communications director, and is the founder and president of her own crisis-management firm. She is known for her powerful and inspiring quotes, which are often said in times of great turmoil or during crucial moments. Olivia Pope’s quotes often reflect her strong sense of justice and determination to get the job done. They also express her resilience and unwavering courage in the face of adversity. Her quotes are often full of wisdom and advice, and are an inspiration to those around her.

35 Best Olivia Pope Quotes

35 Best Olivia Pope Quotes

  1. “I am a gladiator in a suit.”

    – Olivia Pope

  2. “It’s handled.”

    – Olivia Pope

  3. “I am not a civil servant. I am a fixer.”

    – Olivia Pope

  4. “I’m a crisis manager. I’m the one you call when you need a problem to go away.”

    – Olivia Pope

  5. “We don’t do easy here. We do possible.”

    – Olivia Pope

  6. “I don’t want to be an option. I want to be the choice.”

    – Olivia Pope

  7. “I am the one who knocks.”

    – Olivia Pope

  8. “Put on your white hat and let’s go to work.”

    – Olivia Pope

  9. “You don’t walk away from a fight, you finish it.”

    – Olivia Pope

  10. “Greatness is not where you stand but in what direction you are moving.”

    – Olivia Pope

  11. “When I am backed against a wall, I will fight.”

    – Olivia Pope

  12. “It’s better to be feared than loved.”

    – Olivia Pope

  13. “The world is grey. Not black or white.”

    – Olivia Pope

  14. “When you’re backed against the wall, sometimes you have to do what’s necessary.”

    – Olivia Pope

  15. “It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about controlling the narrative.”

    – Olivia Pope

  16. “I don’t take sides, I take over.”

    – Olivia Pope

  17. “There’s no shame in being afraid. It’s not the absence of fear, it’s overcoming it.”

    – Olivia Pope

  18. “What’s done is done. We don’t fix the past. We fix the present.”

    – Olivia Pope

  19. “I am not a puppet master. I am a gladiator.”

    – Olivia Pope

  20. “I’m not in the habit of making enemies. I’m in the habit of making friends.”

    – Olivia Pope

  21. “When you’re backed against the wall, sometimes you have to do what’s necessary.”

    – Olivia Pope

  22. “You don’t want to be the biggest or the best. You want to be the only one.”

    – Olivia Pope

  23. “I don’t win with swords and shields. I win with ideas.”

    – Olivia Pope

  24. “You don’t want to be the biggest or the best. You want to be the only one.”

    – Olivia Pope

  25. “Life is a battle. You either fight or die.”

    – Olivia Pope

  26. “The truth is, a lie can be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on.”

    – Olivia Pope

  27. “You don’t have to be loyal to the president of the United States, you have to be loyal to the truth.”

    – Olivia Pope

  28. “I don’t back down. I don’t give up. I am a warrior.”

    – Olivia Pope

  29. “The only thing certain in life is that you can’t control everything.”

    – Olivia Pope

  30. “I’m not a fan of the truth. It’s overrated.”

    – Olivia Pope

  31. “You don’t have to be loyal to the president of the United States, you have to be loyal to the truth.”

    – Olivia Pope

  32. “When you’re backed against the wall, sometimes you have to do what’s necessary.”

    – Olivia Pope

  33. “The most dangerous thing in Washington is the truth.”

    – Olivia Pope

  34. “The key to success is staying calm.”

    – Olivia Pope

  35. “My name is Olivia Pope. I am a gladiator in a suit. And I will fix it.”

    – Olivia Pope


We can all learn a lot from Olivia Pope and her famous quotes. From her inspiring words, we can learn to stay strong, be independent, and to never give up. Her quotes remind us that no matter what life throws at us, we have the power to overcome it and come out on top. We can use her words to motivate us to live our lives to the fullest and to never give up on our dreams. Olivia Pope’s quotes have the power to inspire us and remind us to always be our best selves.


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