56 Requim for a Dream Quotes to Inspire You

» Quotes » 56 Requim for a Dream Quotes to Inspire You

Requiem for a Dream quotes are a collection of memorable lines from the 2000 psychological drama film directed by Darren Aronofsky. The film follows the lives of four friends in Brooklyn as they struggle with drug addiction, poverty and mental health issues. The quotes from the film are often poignant and thought-provoking, reflecting the realities of drug addiction and its devastating effects. They also capture the beauty of the characters’ dreams, despite their hopelessness and despair.

56 Best Requim For A Dream Quotes

56 Best Requim For A Dream Quotes

  1. “It’s funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.”

    – Harry

  2. “All we have to do is dream.”

    – Harry

  3. “The world of illusion… The world of madness… The world of dreams.”

    – Harry

  4. “A man can change his stars, Harry, but he can’t run away from them.”

    – Harry’s Father

  5. “If I could just get one shot. One clean shot at it.”

    – Harry

  6. “Man, it’s like a slaughterhouse in here.”

    – Harry

  7. “You want me to do something, Harry? You got to give me a reason.”

    – Harry’s Father

  8. “I don’t want to wake up.”

    – Harry

  9. “Life is like a trumpet, if you don’t put anything in, you don’t get anything out.”

    – Harry’s Father

  10. “I had to start thinking of myself. I had to think about why I was living.”

    – Harry

  11. “I’m gonna make something of myself, I’m gonna be somebody.”

    – Harry

  12. “Dreams are for the dreamers who can never wake.”

    – Harry

  13. “It’s like a little picture show.”

    – Harry

  14. “Sometimes I think that my head is gonna explode, man.”

    – Harry

  15. “You want to fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.”

    – Toretto

  16. “What I’m about to tell you is something no one else knows.”

    – Harry

  17. “We all got dreams, Donnie. We just got to figure out how to make ’em come true.”

    – Harry

  18. “Reality, man, it’s nothing but a collective hunch.”

    – Harry

  19. “You’ve gotta hold on to your dream, no matter how crazy it seems.”

    – Harry

  20. “Sometimes I feel like I’m living in some kind of dream world.”

    – Harry

  21. “It’s a world run by money, and if you don’t have money, you don’t have nothing.”

    – Harry

  22. “Sometimes even when you know something’s wrong, you can’t walk away from it.”

    – Harry

  23. “You can never really know somebody until you walk in their shoes.”

    – Harry

  24. “It’s like that. You can never go back.”

    – Harry

  25. “The only thing you can control in life is your dreams.”

    – Harry

  26. “You can never outrun your dreams.”

    – Harry

  27. “I’m gonna live my life the way I want to.”

    – Harry

  28. “I’m gonna be somebody. I’m gonna make something of myself.”

    – Harry

  29. “You can’t make a dream come true if you don’t believe in it.”

    – Harry

  30. “You have to have hope, man. You have to have faith.”

    – Harry

  31. “This is the way life works. You get what you get and you don’t get upset.”

    – Harry

  32. “It’s never too late to change your life.”

    – Harry

  33. “If you don’t have a dream, you don’t have nothing.”

    – Harry

  34. “You have to be willing to do anything to make your dreams come true.”

    – Harry

  35. “Fear is the prison that holds you back.”

    – Harry

  36. “Dreams can come true, but you gotta work hard for them.”

    – Harry

  37. “You can’t just sit around and wait for life to happen to you.”

    – Harry

  38. “You got to take a chance. That’s how you find out what life’s about.”

    – Harry

  39. “Sometimes you have to take a risk to get what you want.”

    – Harry

  40. “Life is what you make of it.”

    – Harry

  41. “The only way to make your dreams come true is to wake up and go after them.”

    – Harry

  42. “You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it.”

    – Harry

  43. “You have to be willing to take a chance, otherwise you’ll never know what could have been.”

    – Harry

  44. “It’s never too late to change your life for the better.”

    – Harry

  45. “You can’t keep running away from your problems.”

    – Harry

  46. “You can’t let fear stop you from going after what you want.”

    – Harry

  47. “If you want something, you have to go and get it.”

    – Harry

  48. “Dreams can come true, but you have to be willing to fight for them.”

    – Harry

  49. “You have to believe in yourself and never give up.”

    – Harry

  50. “You just have to have faith in yourself and keep going.”

    – Harry

  51. “No matter how hard it is, never give up on your dreams.”

    – Harry

  52. “You can’t let other people decide what you want in life.”

    – Harry

  53. “If you want something, you have to go out and get it.”

    – Harry

  54. “You can’t be afraid to take chances.”

    – Harry

  55. “You have to believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams.”

    – Harry

  56. “You have to be willing to take risks to make your dreams come true.”

    – Harry


In conclusion, Requiem for a Dream is a powerful film that is full of inspiring quotes that can be applied to our everyday lives. The movie brings to light some of the most difficult issues that people face and the power of dreams. The characters in this movie are faced with a variety of struggles, but the quotes from the film remind us that even in the darkest of times, hope can be found and dreams can still be pursued.


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