49 Robinson Crusoe Quotes to Inspire You

» Quotes » 49 Robinson Crusoe Quotes to Inspire You

Robinson Crusoe Quotes are a collection of inspirational quotes from the novel Robinson Crusoe, written by Daniel Defoe. These quotes explore themes of endurance, faith, and resilience in the face of adversity. Robinson Crusoe is a story about a man who is stranded on a desert island, and must survive on his own for several years. The quotes from the book reflect his journey, from his struggles to his eventual triumph over the odds. They provide a powerful reminder of the importance of staying strong and never giving up, no matter the odds.

49 Best Robinson Crusoe Quotes

49 Best Robinson Crusoe Quotes

  1. “I walked about on the shore, lifting up my hands, and my whole being, as I may say, wrapt in the contemplation of my deliverance”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  2. “I was certainly the most miserable, forlorn creature that ever was seen”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  3. “I had conquered my enemies, not by force, but by a miracle of deliverance”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  4. “I was now a husbandman, a planter, a captain, a physician, and an engineer”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  5. “I had a great work upon my hands; and now I went to it like a man in earnest”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  6. “I was the most miserable, forlorn creature that ever was seen”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  7. “I began to consider what I had best do, and what course of life I should choose for the future”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  8. “I was now in an island, to be sure, of a prodigious extent, but yet a prison, and my dungeon”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  9. “I had now no relation to turn to, no creature in the world that had the least knowledge of me”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  10. “I was an absolute stranger to everything in the world”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  11. “I was now alone in the world, and entirely friendless”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  12. “I was now in such a condition, that I had no room to look for relief”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  13. “This was the most critical time of all my life”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  14. “I must now be my own comforter”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  15. “I had a great work upon my hands, and no one to assist me”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  16. “I was now like one who had been shipwrecked, and was just come on shore on a desolate island”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  17. “I had been maintained there a year, as it were by a miracle”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  18. “I was now no more a creature of hopes and fears, but a rational creature”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  19. “I had now no immediate view of a deliverance”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  20. “I was delivered from this miserable, wretched condition”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  21. “I found myself now, by the good hand of God, freed from all the fears and anxieties of my solitary, and desolate condition”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  22. “I was now fixed in this solitary island”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  23. “I was now, through the goodness of God, free from all my fears of being devoured by wild beasts”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  24. “The work of my hands had a gleam of pleasantness in it”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  25. “I had a pleasure in it that was natural to me”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  26. “I was now in a worse condition than before, for I had no clothes”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  27. “I had no way to make any”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  28. “I was now no more a creature of hopes and fears”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  29. “I had nothing to live on, but the same food I had before”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  30. “I had no way to make my bread, as I had at first”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  31. “I had no knowledge of the longitude, or of the latitude”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  32. “I had made a shift to raise a few rafters of a roof, to put over my head”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  33. “I had now no more a prospect of ever getting out of this place”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  34. “I had no way left me but to make a journey to the other side of the island”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  35. “I had much ado to keep my heart from being quite broken”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  36. “I was now in a condition, that to be fond of life was a crime”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  37. “I was now so far from being discouraged, that I began to be very sanguine”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  38. “I had been here eight-and-twenty days”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  39. “I could now go abroad with my gun as well as before”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  40. “I had now the satisfaction to find, that I had plenty of all I wanted”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  41. “I was now in a new kind of life”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  42. “I had now no more to do but to take patience”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  43. “I had now no more business with the sea”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  44. “I had now a kingdom of my own”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  45. “I had conquered my enemies, not by force, but by a miracle of deliverance”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  46. “I was now fixed in my resolution to stay and reside here”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  47. “I had now no more to do, but to take possession of the place”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  48. “I had now no way left me but to make a journey to the other side of the island”

    – Robinson Crusoe

  49. “I had now no more to do, but to look out for a fit place to fix my dwellin”

    – Robinson Crusoe


Robinson Crusoe’s quotes are a testament to the power of resilience and resourcefulness. His words of wisdom and guidance will continue to inspire readers of all ages for generations to come. Whether it is being used to remind us of our own inner strength, or as a beacon of hope during difficult times, Robinson Crusoe’s quotes offer us insight into the human spirit and the strength that lies within us.


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