33 Inspirational Running Man Quotes

» Quotes » 33 Inspirational Running Man Quotes

Running Man quotes are inspirational, humorous and motivational quotes from the South Korean variety show “Running Man”. These quotes are often used in conversations and on various social media platforms to share a particular thought or idea. They can range from funny one-liners to heartfelt messages of encouragement. The show has become a cultural phenomenon, and a lot of its content has been shared and circulated online. The quotes are a great way to share a bit of the show’s wit and charm with friends, family, and colleagues.

33 Best Running Man Quotes

33 Best Running Man Quotes

  1. “We can’t control destiny, but we can create our own.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  2. “Running Man is like a family. Even though we fight, we can’t stay mad at each other.”

    – Ji Suk-jin

  3. “You can never win by playing it safe.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  4. “No matter how much you plan, you still have to rely on luck.”

    – Kim Jong-kook

  5. “If you don’t take risks, you won’t get results.”

    – Haha

  6. “You can’t win if you don’t try.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  7. “In order to win, you must put in the effort.”

    – Ji Suk-jin

  8. “The harder you work, the luckier you get.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  9. “No matter how hard it gets, you have to keep running.”

    – Kim Jong-kook

  10. “Don’t be afraid to fail.”

    – Haha

  11. “Even if you don’t win, you can still learn something.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  12. “The only way to win is to keep trying your best.”

    – Lee Kwang-soo

  13. “The only way to get ahead is to take risks.”

    – Haha

  14. “You have to turn your weaknesses into strengths.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  15. “There are no shortcuts in life.”

    – Ji Suk-jin

  16. “You can’t win if you don’t take risks.”

    – Kim Jong-kook

  17. “If you don’t take risks, you won’t get results.”

    – Haha

  18. “You can’t win if you don’t try.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  19. “The only way to win is to keep trying your best.”

    – Lee Kwang-soo

  20. “There’s no such thing as luck. It’s all about effort.”

    – Haha

  21. “The only way to win is to keep trying your best.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  22. “You have to take risks in order to succeed.”

    – Ji Suk-jin

  23. “If you don’t take risks, you won’t get results.”

    – Kim Jong-kook

  24. “You have to be brave if you want to win.”

    – Haha

  25. “Success comes from hard work and determination.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  26. “You can’t win if you don’t take risks.”

    – Ji Suk-jin

  27. “There’s no such thing as luck. It’s all about effort.”

    – Kim Jong-kook

  28. “You have to be brave if you want to win.”

    – Haha

  29. “You have to take risks in order to succeed.”

    – Lee Kwang-soo

  30. “The only way to get ahead is to take risks.”

    – Yoo Jae-suk

  31. “Success comes from hard work and determination.”

    – Ji Suk-jin

  32. “No matter how hard it gets, you have to keep running.”

    – Kim Jong-kook

  33. “You can’t win if you don’t try.”

    – Haha


Running Man quotes are a great source of motivation and humor to get us through the day. It’s inspiring to see the members of the show working together as a team to complete their tasks. They remind us that no matter how tough things may get, we can always rely on each other to get through it. Whether you’re a fan of the show or not, these Running Man quotes can bring a smile to your face and a little extra spark to your day.


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