31 Spirited Away Quotes To Inspire Your Life

» Quotes » 31 Spirited Away Quotes To Inspire Your Life

Spirited Away quotes are words of wisdom from the iconic 2001 Japanese animated film of the same name. The film, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, tells the story of Chihiro, a young girl who is spirited away to a magical realm filled with gods, monsters, and spirits. The film’s quotes reflect the themes of fate, courage, and friendship, and are often used to provide inspiration and guidance. These quotes have become popular among fans of the film and its themes, and are often shared to remind us to stay true to ourselves and our dreams.

31 Best Spirited Away Quotes

31 Best Spirited Away Quotes

  1. “Always believing in your heart, that’s the key to strength.”

    – Haku

  2. “No face! No face! Hee hee hee!”

    – No Face

  3. “The real you is not enough? You want to be somebody else?”

    – No Face

  4. “I’m strong, because I don’t forget the faces of those I have met.”

    – Chihiro

  5. “If I don’t have any strength, I can’t protect anyone.”

    – Chihiro

  6. “I’m not scared of anything. I was just surprised.”

    – Chihiro

  7. “I’ve never been so scared, but I’m not gonna run away. I’m gonna face this fear.”

    – Chihiro

  8. “You must be strong. Always be strong.”

    – Chihiro’s Mother

  9. “You must be brave and never forget who you are.”

    – Chihiro’s Mother

  10. “The only one who can decide what you can and can’t do is you.”

    – Haku

  11. “If you forget who you are, you’ll never find your way home.”

    – Haku

  12. “It’s a secret. A secret of the gods.”

    – Haku

  13. “Just remember who you are.”

    – Haku

  14. “If you want something, reach out and grab it. Don’t wait for it to come to you.”

    – Yubaba

  15. “Never neglect spirit in pursuit of material gain.”

    – Yubaba

  16. “It’s not the face, but the expressions on it that matter. A face without expression can be more terrifying than any monster.”

    – Kaonashi

  17. “No one will protect you. You must stand up and protect yourself.”

    – Zeniba

  18. “A person who forgets gratitude can never be happy.”

    – Zeniba

  19. “A heart that forgets to be grateful can never be happy.”

    – Kamajii

  20. “Don’t forget, you have a name.”

    – No Face

  21. “A job is not just about money, it’s also about pride and dignity.”

    – Kamajii

  22. “Never give up, no matter how hard the journey may be.”

    – Haku

  23. “You mustn’t lose faith. You must keep believing in yourself.”

    – Haku

  24. “A person’s true nature is revealed in their moments of crisis.”

    – Yubaba

  25. “Your courage will guide you through any crisis.”

    – Yubaba

  26. “Don’t be afraid, just believe in yourself.”

    – Haku

  27. “The only one who can decide what you can and can’t do is you.”

    – Haku

  28. “We can only protect the world by believing in ourselves, and doing what we can.”

    – Haku

  29. “The only one who can decide your future is you.”

    – Chihiro

  30. “A heart that is full of love will never lose its way.”

    – Kamajii

  31. “You must never forget who you are and where you come from.”

    – Chihiro’s Mother


Spirited Away is a classic anime movie that is filled with inspiring quotes. From Chihiro’s courage and determination to Haku’s loyalty and love, the quotes from this movie are sure to leave an imprint on the viewer. They remind us to be brave and stay true to ourselves no matter what life brings. No matter how difficult our journey may be, we can trust that we can overcome all obstacles with resilience and strength. So, let these Spirited Away quotes be a reminder of the beauty of life and the importance of never giving up.


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