» Quotes » 47 Stone Cold Quotes to Inspire You

Stone Cold Steve Austin is an American professional wrestler, actor, and television host. He is widely recognized for his tenure in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, which earned him the nickname “Stone Cold”. His catchphrase “Austin 3:16” has become a popular catchphrase in pop culture. Austin’s quotes are often edgy and controversial, which has earned him a reputation as one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. His quotes range from motivational and inspiring to downright outrageous. They often reflect his no-nonsense attitude and his willingness to stand up for what he believes in. Whether it’s his opinion on the current state of the wrestling business or his thoughts on life in general, Stone Cold Steve Austin’s quotes are sure to inspire.

47 Best Stone Cold Quotes

47 Best Stone Cold Quotes

  1. “If you don’t like what I’m doing, then stay out of my way.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  2. “The bottom line is, I’m not going to be screwed, duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  3. “That’s the bottom line, ’cause Stone Cold said so.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  4. “You know what I’m about. It’s three words: I don’t care.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  5. “If you want some, come get some.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  6. “I’m the toughest S.O.B. in the WWE.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  7. “You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it sure helps.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  8. “I’m gonna kick your ass, buddy.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  9. “What? What? What?”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  10. “Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  11. “I don’t have to cheat to beat ya, I’m just that damn good.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  12. “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  13. “Time to raise some hell.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  14. “You can’t see me.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  15. “I can’t be beat.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  16. “I’m gonna give you a dose of your own medicine.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  17. “Oh hell yeah!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  18. “Hell, I’m gonna whoop your ass.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  19. “What? No, you don’t!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  20. “It’s time to lay the smackdown!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  21. “If you want some, come get some.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  22. “You better just stay out of my way.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  23. “You better listen to Stone Cold.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  24. “Don’t mess with the Rattlesnake.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  25. “I’m not a bad guy, I’m just an S.O.B.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  26. “And that’s the bottom line, ’cause Stone Cold said so.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  27. “Do you want some of this?”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  28. “I’m gonna kick your ass.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  29. “If you want some, then come get some.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  30. “You can’t see me.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  31. “You can’t beat me.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  32. “It’s time to drink some beer.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  33. “Give me a hell yeah!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  34. “I’ll beat your ass.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  35. “I’m gonna break your neck!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  36. “I’m Stone Cold.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  37. “Don’t mess with the Rattlesnake.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  38. “I’m gonna whoop your ass.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  39. “You just don’t get it, do ya?”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  40. “If you want some, come get some.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  41. “What? No, you don’t!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  42. “I’m gonna lay the smackdown on ya.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  43. “Don’t mess with Stone Cold.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  44. “You can’t beat me.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  45. “Oh hell yeah!”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  46. “What? What? What?”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin

  47. “I’m just getting warmed up.”

    – Stone Cold Steve Austin


Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the most iconic wrestlers of all time and his words have become legendary. Whether it’s his catchphrases like “Austin 3:16” or his more serious quotes about life and perseverance, Stone Cold has inspired generations of wrestlers, fans, and everyday people alike. His quotes motivate us to keep going in the face of adversity, to stay true to ourselves, and to never give up no matter what. We hope these Stone Cold Steve Austin quotes have inspired you to be the best version of yourself.


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